Crispy Brussel Sprouts + Cherry Tomatoes + GARLIC BACON
I meal prep for the week on Sundays for my carnivore fam and this is literally what I eat for dinner 5 nights a week. Depending on what I have on hand, I'll add a plant-based meatball or avocado. Sometimes I make a proper buddha bowl. But more often than not after a long day, all I can find the energy to do is be guilt-fueled nice to my family for being gone all day whilst literally throwing this in the oven. It is what it is.
Anyway, I'd be remiss not to briefly tell you about the bacon bits (...that I didn't photograph well. Tried to tell you I'm tired!) They're just thinly sliced garlic cloves flavored with bacon-y stuff then baked so that there are both crispy and have quasi-fatty bits.
(Note: This is normally my dinner. If you're using this as a side dish for more than one, just double everything up. The garlic bacon however can be saved for a few days and used as needed.)
- 1/2 pound halved brussel sprouts
- 5-6 cherry tomatoes
- Seasoning of your choice to taste (I always use Adobo)
- Red Pepper Flakes (to your liking)
- Enough olive oil to coat thoroughly
- A little lemon peel/juice to dress with at the end (This is optional but delicious)
- Garlic bacon recipe here
What to do with said stuff:
Toss brussel sprouts and tomatoes with enough olive oil to generously coat, then add seasonings to your liking. Taste some raw to make sure it's properly seasoned. Spread them out, flat side down on a baking dish or foil so that they do not touch. Bake on 425 for like 25-30 minutes until they are tender and gorgeous, glistening brown. Remove from oven, top with garlic bacon and get ready for the rockation of the world as you know it.